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The People

February 8th, 2014

These women not they complain of the flagelante situation where they live, because they find to be the correct one; this identity is constructed from the experience with the proper family who supposedly restituted the condition of subalternidade estimated for the society. These have the laborious work not as a punishment of God, but of diligent people, aguerrida, this it is the social representation that if has of the woman of the field. For backwards of this situation a social conjuncture has all that excludes, and disables the people to fight for a worthier life. But as could they, to surpass this if they had never said to them that this identity of woman of the field, illiterate, without voice nor time was fruit of a historical construction, that not only comes of the time of the discovery, but that they come the millenia being restituted by an exculpatory and paternalista society? These women see the reality as a infinity of obstacles that had never been able to surpass because the tools had been denied to it most elementary, with which they could understand the world. She was in the order of impossible to deny an estimated identity of woman submissa that it are attributed to them, since the proper language or the symbolic codes through which the people if relate had been denied them. She will be that these women would obtain to say who are? When they had been born? What they like or not? Of what she has fear? How they will make to characterize itself while subject in the world? How they would make to play social roles if what she is waited of them he is that they are in its cantos, stops, changes, agonizing, waiting the death to arrive? How to make the negation of the negation of an estimated identity if the formal language is denied the person, as to act without an elaborated thought? Difficult.


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