
Posts Tagged ‘women's health’


April 20th, 2018
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Retention cysts in the operation of small cysts vagina performed under local anesthesia 2% lidocaine. Click here understands that this is vital information. At the same time is cut by a laser beam cyst wall is removed and its contents is held laser coagulation of the cyst wall. Genital warts and papillomas of the vulva and perianal area. Genital warts and papilloma of the vulva and perianal region are removed under the supervision of a colposcope, as most papillomas are not visible without magnification. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as kevin ulrich by clicking through. Special gynecological nozzle used vehicles are not required, because ordinary devices allow for the locality and the accuracy degradation. Papillomas and warts are removed by coagulation of the base with a capacity of 5.7 W cw, or by vaporization of a beam with a similar capacity.

The impact is tangential to the mucosal surface or skin. With the vast expansion operation is carried out at 3-4 in subsequent menstrual cycles. When you remove large warts, the material sent to histological study. Vulva healing after laser removal of warts and warts painless and is completed within 2 weeks of non-cosmetic defects. Laser wounds of the the area recommended to treat an alcoholic solution brilliant green, and other similar antiseptic action in the first five days. Laser methods for abdominal operations in gynecology reduce the time intervention, simplify techniques, reduce bleeding from the wound and promote rapid wound healing with the formation of a tender scar no septic complications and gemoragicheskih.

Amputation and hysterectomy. After standard laparotomy and ligation of large vessels, krovos- uterus, the laser radiation is used at the cut-off of the uterus in its amputation or extirpation. After mobilization of the uterus and appendages of the uterus is cut off by a laser beam. The light guide is directed perpendicular to the cut-off body. After the cut-off is obtained sterile surface, with good hemostasis, absence of overhanging edges that facilitates and speeds up the next phase peritonization wound surface. In addition, when the operation is completed, it handles the parietal peritoneum of the pelvic laser power of 15 watts, sterilizes the wound and prevents lymphorrhea and hemorrhages. Operation ends standard suturing the abdominal cavity. When resection of the ovary resection of ovarian or fallopian tube removal using special laser grips, which are superimposed on the lines proposed resection of the body. With the help of the optical fiber contact and continuous radiation is cut off parts of the ovary or fallopian tube. In subsequently imposed provisionally sutures through the cut-off for the prevention of bleeding. This ensures absolute safety and sterility performed hemostatic intervention. Similarly produced removal of cysts, cysts and other pathological entities ovary. Myomectomy in palliative or conservative myomectomy laser beam used to cut off myoma nodules or evaporation of small subserous nodes. Endometriosis In endometriosis the laser beam is used for the evaporation of endo- cysts of small size, or for processing large cyst bed after its removal to prevent recurrence septic complications and better hemostasis.
