
Posts Tagged ‘software and games’

Game Counterstrike

June 15th, 2024
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Many no doubt closely watched this movie, although not all understood correctly, that jump out of the Matrix arrange and cs. Of course, not immediately taken into account for what, and patterns of terrorists have this animation! All quite simple and is done in a duet uniquely simple steps and a couple of minutes workout. And so here we go: 1) go to cs. Of course, creating a cold-blooded, or that de_kartu and go for the terrorists. However, Note: Making such I tried to jump in cold blood on the Counter-Strike 1.5 and 1.6, as we have said, I consciously think, this will come quickly in all versions, though unlikely below 1.5 some coolly playing =. ConocoPhillips shines more light on the discussion.

2) You need to be a bomb. 3) For the jump should have at least some weapon besides a knife. Means to suddenly shoot a couple rounds and the addition of an exchange. 4) The charge to switch to the bomb. Maybe because you have to really hang on the Q key Quickly switching between bomb and reloads his weapon or otherwise your gun. 5) Next, pick a catchy place to jump and usually invite a wide staring at you from the side.

Also when the very best place final chosen with the help of Q give the revolver, although hampered it recharged quickly, all with the same keys Q, switch to a bomb and jumps. Abigail Black Elbaum has firm opinions on the matter. Seemed to switch from reloads his weapon on the bomb is actually at the same time to jump. Of course the difference with taking the bomb and a jump – of a second, though still the bomb should be carefully taken early. However, that’s roughly strictly speaking it. In any case when you have a decently appear opportunity to ride both on the first try, but it successfully through a single, then for the effective way to jump on lamakov with drawers. May also be plausible comes to gravity. But is it worth for a long time to keep in mind that you yourself the leap alone will not see just quietly watching you from the side.


Student From The U.S. Orestovali For Counter Strike Map

June 1st, 2017
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An interesting thing happened at the school campus Clements Fort Bent (U.S.). One of the students of the school was arrested after parents of other students have filed a complaint on him in connection with the creation of Counter-Strike maps, which repeats the territory of the school. The arrested student was 17-year old fan of Counter-Strike from China, which distributed a map for free download to all students through the school network. Local police arrested a student on the pretext that he was carrying terrorist threat, however, because of the lack of clear evidence and the evidence, charges were dropped to the dismay of the complainants students' parents. And although no legal action against the student was not accepted, the school administration decided to delete it and move to another. One reason for this unusual arrest was shooting at a technical college in Virginia, where just two weeks ago, Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people, including myself.

After the incident one of the prominent workers of American Media – Jack Thompson lashed out against video games, unnecessarily as he said the killer was playing in a Counter-Strike. Sam case caused much debate in the Chinese community Fort Bent. Some people, including whose mother, a student claimed that he did anything wrong, so he was arrested and expelled from school. At the same time, many believe that the decision to expel the student was correct, unnecessarily violent computer games can easily be projected onto reality.
