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The Customer

July 5th, 2017
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Especially exclusive food of the Argentine steak up to high quality candy, are so protected. Also food retailers benefit from this seal function in their struggle against physical inventory differences. The futurist is a great source of information. The so-called temper evident labels that employees in the business to buy something and again make the bags on the way back by the store and fill with additional articles to prevent. The company must therefore only still ensure that no employee leaves the store with a broken seal. World novelty: universal label for hundreds of products with the VPI label (variable product information) it is possible to use always the same label for a whole range of articles. The basic layout is preprinted with the company-specific parameters as with general corporate design, logo and slogan. The fields for the variable data such as product name, date, weight and price can by the customers themselves be printed.

It eliminates the set-up time for replacing the labels on the product change, also award errors belong to the past. In addition, the customer can order the universal label in large circulation and thus save. Multi talented label retail informs, seals and protects traditionally packaging provided with different prices, information and jewelry labels. An alternative approach, the so-called C-wrap labelling enables the presentation of all content on only a label, which encloses the product from three sides and with a C”Forms. This procedure opens the user a number of advantages: award processes with several labels more frequent changeover are accordingly required. Also errors can creep, if not all rolls are changed synchronously with the different products. Then can, for example, the salami with the underside label of the ham fail are applied. By representing all product information on only one Label be avoided such award errors and reduces the number of role switching and storage costs. TTI system label guarantees the cold chain custom foods are highly sensitive goods where even small deviations from the set temperature can cause considerable damage.

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