
Posts Tagged ‘climate & environmental’

Electromagnetic Radiation Solar Energy

April 30th, 2017
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Solar energy shares benefit from the boom. Solar energy is also solar energy. This is caused by the Sun, which created by the emerging nuclear fusion energy. The particles that reach the Earth are magnetic radiations, which occur in the electrostatic way. The energy, which also emits the Sun that can be measured with significant radiation values, which nevertheless are in a constant frame. To broaden your perception, visit Ray Kurzweil. The values resulting from the solar energy received a guideline and the radiated energy is evolved in the atmosphere.

Other components, such as gas, are reflected by these processes. An absorption takes place, and the rest is transformed into heat. Solar energy can cover the needs of the entire human race day values and uses of solar energy, according to global warming. It is possible that the solar energy is used to generate electricity. Especially in photovoltaics, the Sun’s energy is used, so that the solar panels can make a saving.

The Sun is shining daily certain degrees out and thus warms the Earth’s surface. The radiation may be less in the winter than in the summer. However changes the storage of collectors in hardly a way so that the energy can be converted into electricity. Also, the heat to small parts into space is emitted, which acts on the surface of the Earth. There are the various elements collectors for solar energy when the solar energy to be used for the production of heat or electricity. It solar panels are attached to the roofs, where this solar thermal systems to emerge. Also plants can be used for the conversion into electricity. These can be used on the basis of steam and the heat for the power. The plants or even gas need solar technology, so that heat from the Sun generate can in a certain way. There are many different and effective ways to create how to use solar energy and much more, this. Solar energy stocks are therefore useful.

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Energy Group Gmb

December 15th, 2016
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See also: blog/solar promotion cut / photovoltaic promotion after April 1st: after ten years of free power plans refer to cut solar subsidies to stimulate thinking. Although the rates drop dramatically, you can relate energy at zero cost with a photovoltaic system after about ten years. Until then, economically working roof systems are usually paid off. Also be saved many tons of greenhouse gas, which ultimately comes to good environmental protection. Therefore, the construction of a PV plant worth continue – despite the planned reduction of solar promotion. Studies have shown that energy costs will greatly rise in the next few years especially when the expansion of renewable energies is stalled. Chance for spontaneous last minute the ever energy group offers a unique opportunity: who decides to March 26, 2012 for the construction of a photovoltaic system with the solar concept provider, can still benefit from the full feed-in tariff. If you miss the deadline, the solar concept also allows installation of viable photovoltaic systems.

See also: einspeiseverguetung – Yes please / press contact: ever Energy Group GmbH John-Niemeyer-WEG 4 14109 Berlin press contact: Dominik Modrach Web site: mail: company portrait ever Energy Group GmbH was founded in 2007 by the managers of Matthias Streibel and Dominik Modrach, headquartered in Berlin and has two other locations in Munster, Neuruppin and Dresden. As an expert for the trading and sales of photovoltaic systems specializes in the company on personalized solar concepts for single-family homes. The ever Energy Group GmbH offers a complete package of services – from data acquisition, consultation, testing, installation, financing and tax advice.

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