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Energy Matrix

November 24th, 2012
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Sabidamente we are in collating with one of the governmental lies, that si to happen comumente and in special in the uncertain last mismanagement and the not very hopeful current government. A beautiful day and these days already if make so distant, appeared a Japanese who was hoisted in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, one such of Shigeaki Ueki that Jnior piously believed Navarrese Lamartine engineer, honest and correct man and created for the Decree N 76593 of 14 of November of 1975 Prolcool, that this would be salvation of the Native land and that more we would not be dependents of the mulumanos. The Japanese cited one was author of the shining phrase: ‘ ‘ If all the Brazilians more to work one hour per day, the inflation cai’ ‘. It did not only mention that if the politicians made its time, as its commitments of campaign, also to the time, the inflation would fall. It practically did not move in nothing.

Not in relation to the workers, but in relation to the politicians. Another citation still exists celebrates of lawyer Shigeaki Ueki: SURPLUS OIL BECAUSE BRAZIL ESTAGNOU’ ‘. Souvenirs to the part the attempt of we free in them of fsseis fuels? hydro-carbons – they had always given with donkeys n? water. In the years that had succeeded the 1975 the great one asked for it was to buy cars the alcohol. Soon to follow to become a great problem for the proprietors of these cars. The alcohol simply disappeared of the market. thus continues until the current days. Units of energy matrices for the alternative fuel production had been inaugurated, but that today they are abandoned. One of the examples, the one that the former-president inaugurated with an enormous fuss, that would use the tame nut.
