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New Characteristics

September 26th, 2013

Beyond the characteristic above the Hibernet is ' ' code aberto' ' what it facilitates to its growth and the new increase of functionality in little time; in the case of the access transactions the Hibernet more leaves this task for another element in the infrastructure of the program; he is native for java more exists the version stops. Net (NHibernet); Map classrooms with JDK 5,0, among others. 1.3 New Characteristics (Hibernet 4,0) In its version 4.0 hibernet foca in the following objectives: simpler configurations; more flexibilities of mapping; otimizaes by means of improvements in the inicializao that currently are slow and the tools of hibernet for where all the DLL are generated automatically. 2. JavServer Faces One of the great difficulties still in the world of the development for Web applications is to have a programming tool where the desenvolvedor does not lose as much time with the part of ' ' design' ' , that is, all moment is looked to it similar tools of development to the Delphi or Visual beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code.

Thus. the JavServer Faces is one framework for the development of Web applications, guided the events, where the user can drag objects for the screen and modifies its properties. With this, surplus time not to exclusively dedicate the logical part of the application. The modules that compose the JSF are: components, events, valiao and conversions, navigability, backbeans. We go to say a little of the two main modules: components and events.

Similiar components to the Delphi folloied of framework contain some components that can be dragged for the screen. Events a time that we have the disposal component, then the JSF makes possible modifies the properties of objects saw command. The idea is the same one that the tool of the Delphi: guided the events. 2,1 Advantages and Versions the main advantages in using the JSF are that framework, as said, had to be a guided environment the events is its easy manuscript, support MVC for Web, extensible components, good demand of market and consequently of the desenvolvedores, opened code, etc.


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