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Lebanese Syria Hospital

May 13th, 2016

The Venezuelan president will be taken care of in the Lebanese Syria Hospital of Sao Paulo, a clinic deprived of rrencia in oncology. The Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff, were cured of a cancer in the same center. The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, accepted to be put under a medical treatment against the cancer in Brazil, according to informed east Thursday the digital edition into the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. According to the metropolitan newspaper, that does not mention sources, Chvez would travel in the next days to Brazil to be taken care of in the Lebanese Syria Hospital of Sao Paulo, a deprived clinical center of rrencia in oncology, where Brazilian and foreign authorities and politicians usually treat. The hospital abstained to confirm if Chvez will become a treatment in that center, whereas the Ministry of Outer Relations of Brazil indicated that " desconoce" the answer of the Venezuelan agent chief executive to the offer that in that sense to him the Government did. Wednesday, Chvez said in Caracas that the doctors do not discard that in a future one " third etapa" of their treatment to x-ray or chemotherapy for &quot is applied to him; to attack duro" what can be of the cancer del that was operated recently in Cuba. " Perhaps thirdly (of treatment) the application of all the methods that are known () could be x-ray or chemotherapy to attack hard, with cavalry will be required, any latent possibility that there is all" , Chvez in an interview by telephone said to an official channel of television.

Offer of Roussef state Brazil Agency informed east Thursday into which the Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff, hope an answer of Chvez to manage the details of the treatment in Brazil. Chvez, next to fulfill 57 years, had been thankful for him the past week by telephone to Rousseff the offer to treat in Brazil and it commented to him that " evaluara" the supply. In the Lebanese Syria Hospital the president was taken care of the past year Paraguayan, Fernando Lugo, to whom the doctors dealed with a cancer successfully lymphatic, and also it was cured of the same Rousseff disease in 2009, when still she was minister of the previous Government. In the hands of the doctors of the Lebanese Syrian also Jose Alencar was the Brazilian exvicepresidente, who died in April last after being taken care of during 13 years of a stomach cancer. Source of the news: Chvez will be put under in Brazil a treatment against its cancer.


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