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Compensation Network

June 17th, 2012

At present, it has gained prominencia in the evaluation of noises in the community, as well as in the evaluation of LF sounds in the audible frequency band. D This network of compensation has its utility in the analysis of the noise brought about by the airplanes. Or It is a network of consideration of most recent. It is applied to measure audible sounds in the presence of ultrasounds. Table 2. Considerations of Time Considerations of time Characterization S the instrument responds slowly before the sonorous events. The effective mediated one of time is of approximately a second. F Offers an answer to the faster sonorous stimulus.

The time constant is smaller (0,125 seconds) and therefore, it can reflect little sensible fluctuations to previous consideration. I Tiene a very small time constant. One is used to judge how it influences, in the human ear, the sound intensity of short duration. Peak Permite to quantify levels tips of sonorous pressure of extremely short duration (50 microseconds). Making possible the determination of risk of auditory damage before the impulses.

Specialized functions: This aspect this governed by the design of each model of sound level meter. These functions give possibilities for the most complete study of the sonorous landscape that is analyzed. They can be the values RMS, tip, filters to correct the effects of screen and the frontal or random sonorous incidence, storage of the calibration file, detectors of overload, level of criterion, level of threshold, filters for analysis of infrasounds and ultrasounds? Auxiliary exits: It must count on exit of DC (CC) and of AC voltage (CA). Exit CA is fundamental for possible measurements with tape for audio digitalis (DAT, abbreviations in English) the DAT when coming out connects of CA obtaining a registry of the signal that allows to analyze it later. An impedance of acceptable exit can be 100 ohm.


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