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Solar Promotion

April 7th, 2016

Solar grants, reduction of solar promotion the controversy over the promotion of solar now has an end. Since last week the cuts are retroactive to April 1, 2012. The Government insists the one-off reduction of the feed-in tariffs by 20 to 30 percent. As a result small plants receive performance with less than ten kilowatt peak compensation of 19.5 cents per kilowatt hour. 16.5 cents previously planned. The new roof systems class of ten to 40 kilowatt peak is rewarded, however, with 18.5 cents. Their owners get but not the complete solar funding. You need to sell 10 percent of the solar current or consume themselves.

In addition a monthly reduction of the feed-in tariff to a percent each. Who’s going to end July with a small plant to the grid, sold a kilowatt hour of solar power for 18,92 cents. Owner of a medium-sized roof system to 40 kilowatt peak achieve yet 17.95 cents. Reduction of solar promotion: equipment worth off only with storage media November 1 the breathing cover comes to fruition. This depends on the annual figures of the previous quarter off. To install until then more than 7.5 gigawatts, the compensation to more than 29 percent reduced.

“Dominik Modrach, Managing Director of the ever energy group, assessed the results as follows: we are glad that the wait is finally over and the roof installations now but more promoted by private people, than they had initially planned.” However a great uncertainty among consumers have built up in the meantime. With the current solar funding worth continues to build a plant. However, we recommend also to think about solar storage.” So far, there were barely affordable models, which are suitable for private use. It is important to ensure investment in quality and longevity. Since this year, we use Solon storage,”says Dominik Modrach. So our customers can consume up to a third of their own produced current.” Thus, plant owners would reduce the own electric bill and at the same time relieve the networks.

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