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Scripts One

May 11th, 2012

Another great one advantage of the PLC is the speed of reached connection. In conditions ideas, this speed can reach until 200Mbps. One of the negative points of if using the PLC is the interference caused for determined devices hardwired in the same electric net, what it will be able to cause noises, losses of intensity of the signal and attenuations. It will fit to the manufacturers of equipment PLC, to develop correction modules that can minimize of efficient form this type of interference. Another found negative point during the elaboration of this article was to the difficulty in finding equipment of national manufacture.

The great suppliers are foreign, what it becomes the acquisition of these more difficult equipment in relation the other presented technologies. A great net of distribution in equipment Brazil does not exist PLC, however, it gives credit that this situation can be coated with the spreading of this technology. One gives credit that with the recent approval of normative regulation of the ANEEL, that authorizes the use of the electric nets for the transmission of data, will be of great advance for the country. That is, with the approved technology, supplying national they start to have a new incentive for the manufacture of the equipment and with this, the equipment for the population becomes accessible and, as consequence, increase of the competitiveness, that generates benefits for the population. 5.PROPOSTAS OF FUTURE WORKS As possible future works is suggested: The creation of a laboratory for analyzes of performance of the PLC in detriment to the other existing technologies in the market. Verified the viability of the use of the PLC as a competitive alternative in institutions with infrastructure problems.


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