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San Rafael Lagoon National Park

August 1st, 2013

This, in circumstances that in evaluating Conaf requested a first technical report under the signature of officer Manuel Henriquez that will develop a study of environmental impact (EIA) and not a simple statement, but then in a trade signed by the regional director Claudio Godoy service drastically change your mind. They rated as most serious yet what has happened with the EIA of HidroAysen, where the company acknowledges that more than 48 acres of the Park would be flooded, before which Conaf expressed in its comments that the project is clearly incompatible with the purposes of the San Rafael Lagoon National Park and Parque Nacional Bernardo O Higgins, and constitutes an infraction manifest to the applicable environmental regulations and can not be remedied through addendum. Joins this appearing in the study not analysis of the impacts and risks for example accidents of ships with fuel – product of the transit of ships towards Puerto Yungay by areas linked to the Park. And yet, with the absence of relevant information, the Corema presided over by Mayor Selim Carrasco allowed the elaboration of the Icsara and sending them to the company as a way of facilitating the work expressed. The leaders added other situations that pose risks for the area, as the transmission line that aims to build Transelec to connect the dams on the Baker and the Pascua pass, if not virtually on top, by its outer edge with which the scenic attractiveness also would be affected. Miriam Chible in her capacity as President of the private corporation for the development of Aysen, Peter Hartmann as director of the subsidiary Committee Aysen pro defense of Flora and Fauna and the journalist safe Patricio made a call to the Government, and particularly the authorities we have in the region, to demonstrate a real commitment to our natural and cultural heritagethat it is not only there for the photo and discourse, but to preserve for generations future ayseninos and Chileans, and even humanity. They concluded that it is commendable to become recognised as a world reserve of fresh water, but it would even be more coherent to the qualification of biodiversity reserve carrying out practice and that the Government definitely send the file that makes the area Patagonian archipelagos and ice world heritage for Unesco, management that we do not understand why today is mired. Original author and source of the article.

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