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Profitable Marketing

February 22nd, 2011

Convenient, is not it? Business without boundaries! 9. Modern agit. materials (videos, presentations, websites, etc.) But what about without it? The company must be a modern website. Moreover, apart from the official site, the company should be interesting media centers. Professionally designed and original videos about the company and the product, people have been successful. The same goes for presentations. 10.

Management Well, unlike companies, the presence of young management is not desirable. Successful experience in company management has the greatest value! To you it may seem strange, but the main thing that people are steering the company were deeply religious and spiritual people. I could say that management must be innovative, with a big vision yes it is. But if a company falls under most of my criteria, it is already the case. But the facts prove that the top of the world's checks and management of the most successful Companies – simple, faithful, kind and spiritual people. 11.

The training system through the Internet This includes regular online conferences, meetings, webinars with leadership staff, closed sites where the team regularly publishes interesting and relevant materials. Online schools. Can not exclude the sponsorship. 12. Availability Top-checks in the world rankings (desirable) This item is desirable because the potential candidate will be able to see what's in your companies can achieve success. And what's more it is possible. 13. Profitable Marketing Plan This is a fairly relative concept Profitable for whom? Thee company, your partners, sponsors? Yes to all it has to be profitable! I will not consider here this topic in detail. Consider only what I believe, profitable marketing plan: a reasonable monthly activity, regular and timely payments, marketing is focused on the regular consumption of the network; discounts for bulk order, minimum of 5 sources of income, a percentage of the receipts of your leaders, to network with a maximum payment of 60%, ideal of course is not less than 50%, a percentage of the turnover of its leaders, the opportunity for Newbies earn money in the first week; marketing should help encourage people under you!; 14. Simple and convenient withdrawal fee if you want to surf the Internet, then you should not be restrictions on cashing in their commission. The company should be simple and intuitive interface (site) for withdrawal. You should be able to withdraw them at any convenient time for you to anywhere in the world. It is desirable that the derivation of the money was the ability to convert currencies. 15. Ability to operate the commission What is this? And it means the ability to use their commissions not only to cash in monetary terms. For example, to pay for the product once with the back office. Or you could send a portion of commissions to his partner, who does not go this month to hold out until the maximum activity. That is, in principle, and all I wanted to tell you about the selection criteria of the company. Have any questions, write. I wish you good luck and bolshuschih checks! ps In any network marketing company can make money, the only question is how quickly and how easily!


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