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Policy Energy

February 10th, 2013

Much has been discussed about the energy future of the towns, cities and countries, and many have also been arguments that have been exposed. Both has been written and said about the benefits and risks of the application of nuclear energy, for example, for non-weapons purposes, that ordinary citizens already feel somewhat confused. The application of nuclear energy could actually lead us to a safe and workable future, or it will be both the risk of their use in non-combat applications, that will lead us to a future tragic and possibly uncontrollable, escape from our hands?. We must not lose sight that the energy used by the different countries, is applied in a variety of ways, but trying to simplify the problem, however, we consider that in the present-day cities, there are three great activities which uses the vast majority of energy, apart from military activities and space exploration: residential and commercial activity, industrial activity and the activity associated with the transport. In countries such as the United States, according to some published statistics, the first mentioned activity (residential and commercial), consumes one average of a little less than 36% of the total; industrial process-related activity consumes approximately another so much (37%) and if the activities related to transport are realigning them the remaining balance, consumed in the order of 27%. Even and when such distribution is considered from a general point of view somewhat simplified, reaches us to provide a clear idea of the importance of the three basics here considered. Even and when today some theories argue that energy consumption increases directly proportionally to the growth of the economy, can assert itself is unaware of the importance that in consumption have policies, when they are well implemented, relating to energy saving, as well as it is also the rapid evolution of technology when applies adequately and timely.

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