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Mannheim Company

January 27th, 2016

SafeTIC AG: Reliable backup service for premises at Mannheim January 2011. The backup services of SafeTIC AG allows Sofortreaktionen disorders around the building around the clock, 365 days a year. Companies can focus therefore on the essentials on their core competence. The SafeTIC AG offers a service that even highly specialized security companies increasingly take. The SafeTIC AG informs about the new technologies for the protection of sensitive areas.

The SafeTIC AG, headquartered in Mannheim is a company on the European market that specializes in biometric systems via fingerprint and finger morphology. Biometrics”, according to the company, not only is there since yesterday. The fingerprint was used as signature already 3,000 years ago in the movement of goods and trade. However, only the coupling of the art of reading fingerprints with data processing reveals the true dimensions of the possibilities of use.” The objective in countries such as Germany, Benelux, France, UK, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal and the Czech Republic with branches represented SafeTIC AG is to large enterprises as well as medium-sized businesses, to offer an absolute forgery-proof identification system but also traders, professionals and even individuals. In addition, the SafeTIC AG offers its customers a further increase in security. The company designed and burglar alarms tailored to installed exactly on the needs of its customers. This, the wishes of the customers find taking into account as well as the downstream service, i.e. service and maintenance.

As an additional highlight, the SafeTIC AG offers its customers the option to build an audio connection with the secured object in case of an alarm. This means: the security officer noticed movements of the burglar. In addition he hears him, and he can contact the burglar over an intercom. This functionality helps to minimize damage and to avoid false alarms by unskilled workers. They do this necessary intrusion alarm products refers to the SafeTIC AG by Siemens. Learn more about the security solutions of the SafeTIC AG are available at. About SafeTIC AG as the only European company SafeTIC AG fingerprint and finger morphology detection systems specializes in. The company is the European No 1 in the area of enterprise security as a manufacturer of biometric readers, as the market leader in biometrics and Visio mobility as well as providers of Europe most frequently installed biometric access controls. The SafeTIC AG is represented in the entire value chain of security systems and has more than 15,000 customers in Europe. The headquarters of Germany’s SafeTIC AG is Mannheim. Contact SafeTIC AG Lucienne beetle stone Flossworthstrasse 57 68199 Mannheim Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 621 842 528 0 fax: ++ 49 (0) 621 842 528 999 E-Mail: Internet:

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