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Mailing Lists

May 26th, 2017

But for those interested, but forgetful and visitors you have forged your newsletter. Although it is possible to further your distribution becomes a more valuable creature than a regular reminder of the existence of your site. Your delivery is not only deter some visitors to your site, but also attract new visitors to it – if you its open to an independent server, free newsletters, because now your newsletter will maintain and advertise a service dispatches. I repeat (I wrote about this in the 'Mailing Lists. Source: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. How come good name for their mailing '), but I can not mention one important point, because this is a very common mistake: do not call your newsletter,' News of such a site.

" Neither you personally or your site as such do not matter. Any person primarily interested in information you can offer them. So ask the people is interesting and useful information – if they are happy to subscribe to your newsletter. If your site for example, has a car theme, then you should not call your newsletter 'News moysayt.ru', for example. Call your newsletter 'News automotive market. " Or, say, your site is about web-design. Do you have a lot of good options for the name list: 'The course web-design', 'Web-Design for Beginners',' News from the world of web-design ',' Recent additions to the collection of graphic elements', 'Create your own website. " Your visitor should not feel that you are trying to hold it in any way.

He should understand that you want to share with them for free valuable information, and your visitor should he make his choice – whether it is necessary to continue to interesting information from you to subscribe to it or not on your newsletter. If you offer him regularly to get interesting information, not just your news – subscribe to the probability of your newsletter will be much higher. Prepare enough for newscasts its readers. I once subscribed to a mailing list of ozone – and they told me very disappointed. Instead of sending information about new Internet store, I came to issues that are the same goods in the occupied OZONE ranking the top places. I agree to receive one issue of a mailing, but later I have no interest. Do not make your issues are too extensive and too frequent. Do not create problems for your readers and not annoy them with his aggressiveness.

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