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Galp Madrilenian Gas Energy

August 25th, 2012

The power operator of Gas, Electricity and Maintenance services and Attendance, Galp Energy, sends a new promotion with which he gives Goal Television to the new clients who contract the Gas, the Light and the Maintenance service of Gas with the company. The gift, evaluated in 262, includes the apparatus decoder, the card of access and the totality of the quotas of Goal Television until 2012 July. Liga, the Champions or the Glass of the King, are some of the soccer competitions that will be able to enjoy the people who adhere to this promotion, in force from the 18 August to the 31 December 2011. In order to contract it, it is only necessary to call to 902 022 600 or to enter laligagratis.com. The new clients who do not wish the Maintenance service of Gas, as well as the present clients of Galp Energy, also have the option to obtain to Goal Television all the season, with very advantageous conditions that will be able to consult in the page Web of the promotion. In order to support the campaign, one is going away to celebrate a drawing in that, a unique winner, will receive eleven entrances to see the party of Real Madrid league Barcelona of next the 11 of December, as well as a contest of videos titled amateur What you would make see soccer free? , whose winner will enjoy a year of Gas, Light free, Service Confortgas and Gol Television. The bases to participate in these initiatives are in laligagratis.com and the page of Facebook available: facebook.com/laligagratis. OTHER PROMOTIONS OF GALP ENERGY This supply, supposes an alternative to the Plans Well-being with which the company flatters to its new clients with 30 in fuel (in the Stations on watch Galp Energy of the Community of Madrid) and discounts in the fixed term of the Gas and the Light of until a 50%. More information can be consulted on some promotions in galpenergia.com.


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