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Animal Reproduction

March 10th, 2014

The high frequency of head abnormalitys generally is related with cases of degeneration and hipoplasia testiculares. Detached head: The col of the espermtica cell is one of the structures most fragile. One high frequency of detached head can be an indicative of a disfuno of epiddimo or hipoplasia to testicular. However, it fits to point out that, in cases of semen evaluation for coloration in blade, the detached head can be decurrent device of problem in the preparation of esfregao. The same it can happen in the humid chemical preparation, when lamnula is pressured with force on the blade contends the semen drop. Intermediate part: Isolated alterations in the intermediate part are rare, but generally associates to other abnormalitys are observed, for example, head alterations. Folded tail and rolled up tail (defect of intermediate part and tail): Alterations in the form of intermediate part tail can have diverse causes. These patologias are more frequently originated in epiddimo, whose nature total was not elucidated, or during the ejaculao due to modified secretion of the accessory glands.

The occurrence of illnesses, febris pictures and nutricional deficiency also can generate tail abnormalitys. These abnormalitys can be classified as tertiary when they are resulted of thermal shock during the collection or dilution. Alterations of Acrossoma: Acrossoma is a basic structure in the fecundao process, therefore this structure possesss enzymes that participate of the fecundao process. Therefore, alterations in this structure are considered serious, therefore they result in loss of the fecundante capacity of the cell (Figure 3). The acrossomais defects can in such a way be primary how much tertiary.

The decurrent abnormalitys of imperfection in espermatognese can have as cause illness, vaccine reaction, vitaminic constipation or lacks. Another one cause is the interval drawn out between collections. Not rare, these abnormalitys are tertiary, had the harmful factors as aging, freezing or unfreeze, fluctuations of temperature, pH or osmolaridade during the processing. Also damage to acrossoma can occur when the used fixing solution, more frequently solution formol-citrate, was prepared of inadequate form or is storaged has much time.


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