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Alternatives To The Solarium

March 19th, 2014

Salt cabins and chillooms for unused solarium space reduction of solarium rooms many ladder to the problem posed by today, how they can make your bathroom constantly more attractive. But are set financial boundaries through the tense budget layers of local authorities, so that must be used on an existing space. Lately spaces have become in many bathrooms free due to the reduction of space capacity by tanning booths. The size of this rooms related to the conversion of is usually limited. Here, Malsch Europe highly efficient medical wellness solutions offers pilzdesign headquartered in Baden for a wide range of room sizes, up to large salt rooms. The chilloom micro relaxation area, as well as the powerful salt cabins have the private Spa-Wellness character. Both can also be operated as small profit center, can the salt cabin and chillooms with forgers be equipped.

By pilzdesign space is salt cabins in the smallest hut, that is the motto of pilzdesign. And the you get even, with the salt cabin P4. It offers four seats. The dimensions for the cabin clearly show the space requirement is how low: 174 centimeters wide, 134 cm deep and 210 cm high. It is also advantageous that can be installed during operation. The salt cabin interior is an allergy free room of salt, glass and natural wood, in which a quality microclimate. “The free-standing, not cemented and perfectly backlit salt walls of salt cabins have no energetic function, but serve as a kind of filter”, explains Matthias Pilz, owner of the company pilzdesign, “you can record the wet CO2-enriched breath of the salt cabin visitor and thus demonstrably positive affect the CO2 levels inside the cabin. The salt cabin air is better than those with other cabin building materials always many times”. In addition to pure supply of the salt cabin the customer gets called a briefing by pilzdesign according to 5 of the medical devices act, short MPG.

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