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30 Percent More Yield Thanks To Retrofit With SolarEdge Leistungsoptimierern

April 10th, 2016

SolarEdge supports the solar initiative Munich Grasbrunn b. Munchen verschatteter roof PV installations in the subsequent optimization, 11.06.2013. The SolarEdge technologies GmbH, the effectiveness of the SolarEdge Leistungsoptimierer Grasbrunn demonstrated on the example of the House roof system of the family star from Munich laim. SolarEdge and the urban solar initiative Munich (SIM) have the pseudoreference PV installation with SolarEdge Leistungsoptimierern and a SolarEdge inverter retrofitted. The optimization performed in April 2013 the energy yield improved subsequently by 30 percent, as first yield measurements demonstrate. The PV system installed in December 2011 on the Dreifamilienhaus of family star had generated far less power than originally planned.

So the responsible planners had taken into account the shading by the existing dormer at the arrangement of the modules nor the connection of strings and the inverter concept. The resulting problem: At any time the performance of the strings broke, as the Shadow of the roof edge from one module to the next emigrated. The leistungsschwachste module determines the performance of the entire string in a string. Optimize performance and fire protection by SolarEdge technology SolarEdge Leistungsoptimierer and monitor the energy output of each individual module. Prevent the Leistungsoptimierer, that pseudoreference modules that affect performance not verschatteter modules and reduce so the total yield of the PV system. With module-exact monitoring and additional security features by SolarEdge, even potential fire risks can be excluded safely. Because the task of the SIM, to provide Munich, as first metropolis to 2025 with only clean energy, we see as neutral consultants in terms of PV”still great potential for further joint projects under the expert leadership of the solar initiative, says Joachim Nell, General Manager Central Europe at SolarEdge. Solar Initiative Munich analyzed the SIM specializing in difficult urban roofs underperforming PV systems analyzes the causes of low-yield plants in Munich and develops solutions to eliminate the problems with minimum effort. I am pleased that we could help the family star together in the future to generate 30 percent more yield with its own roof”, says Harald Will, Managing Director of Munich’s solar initiative. For more information about the reference object see:

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