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Energy Efficiency Ratio

February 14th, 2013

Ideal behavior – heat absorbed in the evaporator (QB), Btu/lb – heat expelled in the condenser (QA), Btu/lb – calculated work exerted by the compressor (W), Btu/lb – calculated work exerted by the compressor (W), kW/lb – percent enrichment of steamed the compressor suction, % – volume specific suction compressor, ft3/lb – refrigerant, lb/h-ton (per each refrigeration ton) – coefficient of ideal behavior COP, (Qb/W) actual behavior – total cooling, ton ref. -total cooling, Btu/h – power cooling, (Qb) in kW_frigorifico – power theoretical, (W) in kWe_teorico – power real power (W) in kWe_real – loss power, (Wreal vs Wteorico): kw-h = kWe-(W) and % – ton ref per kWe (ton/kWe_real) – coefficient of actual behavior, POPs (Qb/Wreal) – Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), (Qb) /W – CO2 emission in kg (Base F/O primary thermoelectric) by kWe_teorico – CO2 emission in kg (Base F/O primary thermoelectric) by kWe_real – possibilities of reduction of emissions, in kg/kWe_real and % improving efficiency indicators specific to the centralized systems of air conditioning. (a) the ratio of seasonal behavior of an air conditioner or a heat pump. SEER = EER * 0.85. Calculated based on the value previous Eid, ARI 210/240 2008 b) SEER determined in function of the refrigerated Btu/h and the energy consumption in Watt-h in the same period, has prepared an article and converted to pdf entitled refrigeration systems evaluation of comprehensive efficiency with the purpose of providing basic information to stakeholders. This document contains the technical bases needed to understand processing and the calculations.

The material may be freely downloaded. Its content deals with the following subjects:-thermodynamic overview to understand how to perform the energy assessment – volume refrigerant displaced and cooling capacity – cooling system running as heat (bc) in the air conditioning pump. -Differences (bc) from the cooling system (f). -Steps to take to determine the energy efficiency of the cooling system as already explained above, to assess the energy efficiency of refrigeration systems using ammonia, has been necessary to count with parameters and variables of this refrigerant natural state, information so you have automated the tables of ammonia in 3 phases possibleliquid, saturated and overheated.


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